Furniture/Umbrella Strategic Partnership Model

Concept: Frankford and Anova partner to support the development of strategic outdoor galleries. Anova sales managers can identify potential partners and these partners can be invited to find a suitable events center in which to negotiate a partnership. The partnership is to provide free product in exchange for free use of the space as an outdoor showroom. The products will be outfitted with QR codes that will take users to a website (or app) that has a framework developed for this model but tailored to their site. The website or app allows users to digitally navigate the physical site, open product PDFs, browse image galleries, and schedule sales appointments/find a dealer.  Sites should have good access and frequent events with large crowds. 
To execute, Frankford and Anova would determine if/how to:
1. Determine flow to identify vendors/properties as partners
2. Outfit the property (who pays for what, what pieces belong, if the vendor buys what are the terms)
3. Develop the information deployment system (app vs website). I’m thinking of a centralized data system of Anova products linked to unique site maps via a mobile app
4. Support through cooperative advertising
Execution: Tropical J’s and Andre Johnson have been working on a project that will support the development of this idea if Anova and Frankford are interested. The project is happening, so this gives us a unique opportunity to examine the actual costs of implementing the outdoor showroom and solve some of the challenges with Anova’s and Frankford’s long-term interests in mind.
Tropical J’s is not pushing any agenda on who pays for what, but is simply identifying that Anova and Frankford may want to capitalize on this idea. If they do, then our strategy may shift.
To date, Tropical J’s has secured a partnership with Hakuone (, a property in downtown Honolulu focused on community events. It has the state’s largest farmer’s market every weekend from 3,000 to 5,000 each Saturday. It is next to Ala Moana Beach Park, 2 minutes away from Ala Moana Shopping Center, and 5 minutes from Waikiki. It is on the main boulevard that takes you into Waikiki and is located right on the water with a view of Diamond Head. This means a healthy local crowd and an international audience. In our opinion, this is the best location we could imagine for this idea.
The agreement is that Tropical J’s gets to select specific furniture to place on site in exchange for free “rent”.  The property gets to buy any additional furniture for the deck at our cost.
We’ve chosen 7 pieces (if possible) that represent 6 furniture collections with pieces that can be attached to the deck. The furniture collections are all the same lumber/powder spec, and the collections have different lumber/powder combos.  The furniture has Frankford umbrellas, and each collection has a unique upgraded umbrella frame color. Tropical J’s manufactures the umbrella covers, and the entire installation will be beautiful. We chose to go with Frankford because we understand Anova and Frankford are already working together and we trust their product.

Click here for PDF of Project Site

The interactive gallery is underway. To execute this, we plan on 3D printing QR codes and attaching them to each umbrella pole, facing multiple directions. That will take the user to a website where they can digitally navigate the physical site, easily access product PDFs of anything on-site, see image galleries for color options, and set up a sales appointment. If their project location is not in Hawaii we’ll forward them to Anova’s website. I developed a concept page for my web designer. He is using these pages to understand what I am trying to communicate so we can get a game plan. But if Anova and Frankford are on board, the conversation may change to developing an app. Please see the spirit of the idea at:

So that’s the idea. The furniture order is in, so we’ve done a lot of the problem-solving and I’m excited to share it. Along the way, it led to other great ideas and future business, and it has been so overwhelmingly positive that we feel Anova and Frankford may want to consider completing this development with us. Thank you for your time be sure to check the link above.
Justin Barnes on behalf of Tropical J’s